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Season 1 Bloopers

Ece Ulus

Episode Description

We always encourage our listeners to not be afraid to make mistakes. Making a mistake is a great chance to learn. But sometimes, all we can do when we make a mistake is laugh. We write scripts and practice before we record, but we still make mistakes. All we do is stop, laugh and then start again.

Ece has saved her favorite mistakes, or “bloopers,” from Season One of the podcast. While we’re waiting for Season Two, we thought you might enjoy listening to our blooper reel.

Episode Transcript


H: Hi! I’m Heather.

E: And I’m Ece.

H: We’re busy getting ready for Season Two of the language and music podcast, “English as a Singing Language.”

E: That’s right. I can’t believe that we started the podcast a year ago!

H: I can’t either. I have enjoyed creating this podcast so much!

E: Me too! It’s a lot of work, but it’s still so much fun.

H: I agree. And one of the funniest parts about making the podcast is when we make a mistake during recording.

E: It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, sometimes we just can’t stop laughing.

H: We thought while you’re waiting for Episode 1 of Season 2 to be released, we could share some of those funny moments with you.

E: I can’t wait.

H: Me neither. Let’s get started.

<end intro>

E: <laughing>

H: Hi Ece. What’s going on? What’s so funny? Are you watching those crazy cat videos on Instagram again?

E: No. I’m not. I’m actually going through all of the bloopers I’ve collected from Season One of the podcast.

H: The what? Bloobers? What are those?

E: It’s “blooper,” not “bloober.” A “blooper” is a recorded mistake that is funny or amusing.

H: Oh gosh. We must have so many of those.

E: Well, not too many. We write out our script and practice it before we record, but there are still a few.

H: I wonder where the word “blooper” came from. It’s a funny word.

E: According to the website, Grammarist, “The word blooper was coined from the word bloop, which was a term used in American radio in the 1920s to refer to a terrible, annoying feedback noise that affected nearby radios when users tuned their sets incorrectly.”

H: So, it’s a word that sounds like what it means. Bloop!

E: Right. So, any funny mistake that an actor or newscaster makes can be a blooper.

H: Like sometimes at the end of a movie or TV show, they will show the mistakes that the actors made while filming. Some of them are really funny.

E: Some of ours are, too.

H: I can’t wait to hear them! Can you play them for me?

E: Sure! I can play them for everybody. We hope you find these bloopers as hilarious as we do.



H: Oh my gosh! My stomach hurts from laughing so much at all our bloopers.

E: Me too! We really do have a good time recording this podcast.

H: I hope our listeners enjoy listening to it even half as much as we enjoy creating it.

E: Well, I’m going to get back to work editing the first episode of Season 2.

H: I can’t wait. A whole new season of more songs from different genres and times.

E: Yes! Songs that are full of useful pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.

H: Songs that are fun to sing by yourself or in a group!

E: Episode 1 of Season 2 will be out before you know it!

H: But until then, you can go back and review some of your favorite songs in episodes from Season 1.

E: You can also check out the English as a Singing Language website for more resources like transcripts for every episode.

H: And be sure to follow us on Instagram @singinglanguages.

E: We welcome your feedback and suggestions, too. Don’t hesitate to contact us! We love to hear from our listeners.

H: Until Season 2, have fun and …

E + H: … just keep singing!!



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