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Season 2 Bloopers

Ece Ulus

Episode Description

We started English as a Singing Language as a way for people to have fun singing while practicing English pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency. We work hard to make every episode as perfect as possible. We write and edit our scripts, and record and edit the audio. We try to be extremely serious and professional while we’re working on the podcast, but sometimes one of us makes a mistake, and we just laugh and laugh and laugh. 

Ece has saved all the funny recording mistakes and compiled the best ones for you to enjoy while you wait for Season 3, Episode 1 to be released. We hope you enjoy this special blooper episode, and we look forward to releasing the first episode of Season 3 very soon. 

🎶Until then, enjoy the bloopers and … just keep singing! 🎶

Episode Transcript


E: Hi! I’m Ece!

H: And I’m Heather.

E: I can’t believe that we’ve already finished two seasons of our podcast, “English as a Singing Language.”

H: Me neither. When we started the podcast back in 2022, I never imagined that we’d be here, two years later, finishing our second season.

E: It’s been a lot of work.

H: But also, so much fun. 

E: I agree. I think our listeners must be getting impatient for the first episode of Season 3 to be released.

H: Not to worry! We are busy working on episodes for Season 3. I just wish there were something we could listen to until then.

E: I have an idea…

H: Oh yeah? What is it?

E: You’ll see….

H: You’re not going to tell me?

E: Nope! It’s a surprise.

H: Oh! I can’t wait! 

E: Me neither. Let’s get started!

<end intro>

H: <laughing>

E: Hey Heather, what’s so funny? What are you listening to?

H: Oh, hi Ece. Do you remember the blooper episode we made last year? 

E: Of course! We included all the funny mistakes, or bloopers, that we made while recording the episodes for Season 1. 

H: I was just listening to that episode again. It’s so funny. And I was reminded in that episode that a blooper is any mistake that an actor or a newscaster makes while recording.

E: That’s right. And the word “blooper” comes from the sound that a radio makes when it is tuned incorrectly.

H + E: Bloop!

H: <sigh> It’s too bad that we don’t have any bloopers from Season 2.

E: What? What do you mean? We have plenty of bloopers from this season.

H: Really? But I’ve listened to all the episodes from Season 2, and we sound pretty good. I didn’t hear any mistakes!

E: Ahem. I think that’s due to my amazing editing skills, Heather.

H: You mean we did make mistakes?

E: There were a few.

H:  And you’ve saved all the bloopers from Season 2?

E: I sure have!

H: Oh Ece! You’re the best editor and producer! Can you play the bloopers for us now?

E: I sure can! 



H: <laughing> Oh Ece! I’m so glad you saved all those bloopers. How could I forget about so many funny moments?

E: We really do have so much fun recording the podcast.

H: Absolutely. 

E: Well, Heather, I really have to get back to editing Season 3, Episode 1.

H: Make sure that you save all the bloopers!

E: Of course. Then we can share them again at the end of Season 3.

H: Wow! A whole new season! I can’t wait!

E: Listeners, until then you can go back and check out all the episodes from Seasons 1 and 2, and don’t forget to sing out loud as you listen!

H: Singing out loud while practicing the vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation in the songs is very important.  Listeners can find episodes on YouTube, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

E: There are also materials like episode transcripts on our website.

H: Oh! And listeners should definitely follow us on Instagram @singinglanguages. 

E: Then they’ll be the first to know when we release a new episode.

H: Finally, listeners, if you have a song idea, feedback, suggestions, or you just want to say hello, please get in touch with us. You can email us at

E: Until Season 3, have fun and…

E. + H: …just keep singing!



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